lunes, 14 de marzo de 2011


Complete this crossword with the correct words about clothes.

1- Consist of a single piece of clothing that combines trousers and a jacket. You wear overalls over your clothes in order to protect them while you are working.

2- Girls use it

3- Is a loose piece of clothing made of the same material as towels. You wear it before or after you have a bath or a swim

4- Is a loose, warm suit consisting of trousers and a top which people wear to relax and to do exercise

5- Is a sleeveless piece of clothing with buttons which people usually wear over a shirt.

6- Is a long, loose garment wich you wear over your night clothes when you are not in bed.

7- You put in you head

8- You put it in your feet in summer

9- Is a cloth garment for the upper body

10- Is a small bag which a woman uses to carry things such as her money and keys in when she goes out.

11- Is a piece of clothing that you put on over the front of your normal clothes and tie round your waist, especially when you are cooking, in order to prevent your clothes from getting dirty.

12- You use it on your feet

13- You use it on your hands

14- Is a flat object that you hold in your hand and wave in order to move the air and make yourself feel cooler.

Listen and repeat

Here you have some videos to improve your pronuncation and vocabulary.

In the first video you have to listen and then repeat the words you've heard.

In the second video you have to listen again the word, repeat it, and find which is the correct picture for this word.

It's a good way to practise the vocabulary you've been studying.

Choose and fill the empty spaces

Choose the correct word of every box

Put the letter that is missing

Order, write and colour

Here is an exercise where you have to match the definitions with the correct picture. Then, write the name behind the picture and color it.

Letter soup

Here you have a letter soup.
Try to find the words in the right side.
Good luck!

Click here to check the correct words!

Memory game

This link is a memory game, to practise your level of english about clothes.
You have to match the correct word with the correct picture.

Click to the picture to play the game

Funny bear game

In this website you can play a game about dressing a teddy-bear.
The bear says to you what are the clothes you have to find. To find the correct garment, you have to press the arrow and search the appropriate clothes.
When you find the correct one, one green light will appear down the "Teddy Dresser" title. To pass every phase you have to light the three green lights.

Enjoy it!

Click to the picture to play the game